Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sacramento Movers Share How To Organize A Utility Closet

Every home has one. It is that neglected corner in the garage or the coat closet under the stairs. It is a clutter magnet where everything that doesn't have a “home” ends up. If you open the closet door you might find toys the kids have long grown out of, house cleaning materials such as detergents, mops and dust pans as well as space heaters and fans. This closet can be quite a mess and merely finding what you are looking for can be a challenge. Take the time to transform this catchall closet into a tidy, efficient utility closet. Once you have taken the time to straighten things up, eliminate clutter and implement an organization system, the time saved later on will make the task well worth doing.

(Photo Credit: Get Organised)

Purge the clutter. Before doing any organizing, remove all items that don’t need to be there. Get rid of toys the kids have outgrown, clothing that is never worn, leftover paint, or any other items you are not likely to use again soon. Donate items to charity, sell in a garage sale, or simply throw out these unwanted items.

Draw up a plan. Like any well-thought organization system or interior design plan, it’s always a good idea to map out a plan for the utility closet. Take measurements of the closet and use graph paper to draw a scaled-down blueprint for the closet. Draw a space for the vacuum cleaner to stand. Add any drawers or shelving units and label what each shelf will contain. Remember to plan for every-day essentials to be set at eye-level so that they are easy to see and reach.

Keep like items together. For example keep all the cleaning detergents on the same area of a shelf or in a drawer all together. Keep pet food together on a lower shelf. Store bulk purchases, craft supplies and miscellaneous items such as spare batteries in this closet.

Don’t forget to look up. Oftentimes closets will have a couple feet of open space between the top shelf and the ceiling. Don’t let this space go to waste. Store large, lightweight items here and keep a stool or small step ladder in the closet so that you can easily reach up and grab these items when needed. Suitcases and duffle bags can be stored on this top shelf as they are rather light when empty but take up plenty of space. They also are not frequently used which makes this overhead storage area perfect for them. Alternately you can store spare gift wrap and tissue paper in plastic craft bins on these higher shelf or even holiday decorations. Or use this area to store spare bed and bathroom linens.

Use the walls. Empty walls can be a great space to a broom, dust pan, mop and aprons. Storing each of these items on hooks in the wall will lift them off the floor, reducing clutter build up.

Utilize storage containers to keep things neat and tidy and in a proper “home.” Place paper towels, extra toilet paper, dust cloths, and garbage bags in separate boxes, jars or cubbies. Use shoe storage containers to store a collection of similar items such as light bulbs, extension cords, and extra tape.

Keep paperwork and reminders tidy. Create a file for important papers including recent and upcoming bills and bank statements, warranties, medical and school records. Create a space to place reminders such as a dry erase board or cork bulletin board where you can post invitations, reminders to take the trash out, and a calendar. Keep business cards on the board for often used services such as the maintenance man, or pizza delivery.

TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® Sacramento employs a staff of over 40 Full-Time Movers and Drivers, with a fleet of 10 trucks. We have performed home and business moving services in and around the Greater Sacramento area for almost 10 years. Our award winning services include full service moving and packing services and we also sells boxes and packing supplies.

With comments or questions contact Carolyn Durkee, Marketing Manager at the Sacramento office of TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® at 916-852-7411 or contact us here.

1 comment:

  1. Move out cleaning sacramento

    Thanks for the information. You provided food for thought. Thanks for sharing the information about Sacramento Movers that is used to Organize A Utility. All the best to you...
