Monday, October 7, 2013

Sacramento Movers Share Tips On Moving While Pregnant

Moving while pregnant or just after a pregnancy can be more challenging but it’s also more important than ever to take care of yourself. For example, expecting mothers should not try to lift boxes or furniture but rather delegate that to a helping hand. Here are a few tips on taking care of mother and baby when moving.

Start packing as soon as you know you’re moving. Rather than leaving everything for the last minute, spread out the packing over several weeks or even months. Begin with the items you will not need for a while such as off season clothing, sporting goods, books, and small kitchen appliances. Pack these and clearly label the boxes so that you will know where to find things on the other end.  Pack a little each day and take breaks as often as you need it. As it gets closer, get friends to help you pack the bulk of your home goods. Remember to leave the most essential items for last and make sure they are the last items on the truck so that they can be the first items unloaded after the move.

Some mothers have advised that it is easier to do a move earlier on in a pregnancy, so if you have the option, the sooner you can schedule the move date, the better.

On move day, let the movers or family and friends do all the heavy lifting. You just sit back, put up your feet and direct everyone where you want them to go.

Remember to rest often, drink lots of water and resist the urge to get up and help out with the lifting.

After the move is complete, don’t rush to unpack everything. Begin with the essentials and pace yourself as you work on the rest. It’s more important to rest up than to get everything put away immediately.

One final note, before moving, take a moment to sit down and research a good doctor. You will want to have that set up early so that you don’t miss any essential check-ups.

For an easier move, TWO MEN AND A TRUCK can offer packing tips as well as a full line of boxes and packing supplies. We can do as much or as little as you want to make your move smooth and stress-free. That includes any packing, unpacking, disassembly of furniture, loading, unloading and the move itself.

TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® Sacramento employs a staff of over 40 Full-Time Movers and Drivers, with a fleet of 10 trucks. We have performed home and business moving services in and around the Greater Sacramento area for almost 10 years.

With comments or questions contact Carolyn Durkee, Marketing Manager at the Sacramento office of TWO MEN AND A TRUCK® at 916-852-7411 or contact us here.

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